Ultimate happiness
from the life of Kansho
Glitter thinks that each customer is a separate entity, and at the same time, the number of happiness is greater than that of that individual.
Glitter wants to create a space where as many people as possible can enjoy the "life of Kansho".
I think that is the "ultimate happiness" that we can convey.
Existence that creates creativity
Glitter thinks about what the customer wants, understands the truth and possibilities, and has the maximum technology and heart.
We will do our utmost to create and create "a space that will lead to the well-being of the earth and people 200 years from now."
Being created and created
Glitter is delighted that the created space is a place where customers can enjoy "the best happiness".
We would like to cherish a space that can contribute to customers, employees, families, and society as a whole.
And we aim to be a "company that is indispensable to the world" that exists very naturally in society.
Without being bound by the frame of architecture
From the keyword "re-examine the essence"
As many customers as possible
I want to create a space where I can enjoy satisfaction
Created with limited choice
Not an uninteresting space
Everything is free
Everything is fun
A space where everything is safe and wrapped
I want to tell as many customers as possible
In the only treasure chest in the world
So that everyone can smile